A Choice To Celebrate - Mindful Moment

Hey there and welcome to another Mindful Moment.

When was the last time you celebrated life? Celebrating a victory no matter how big or small? When was the last time you raised your hands in the air and said “I did it!”. Today we are going to have fun and celebrate!


Every day there are opportunities for celebration. Mini victories like making a perfect cup of coffee or tea. The sunlight through the window that creates a prism on your table. Some days getting out of bed is a victory! How about your car starting without any problems?! There are victories to be celebrated all around us and typically we let them pass by. We take for granted all the mini miracles that we are gifted.

You taking time to listen to this message is a victory. You and I breathing together is reason for celebration. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder and maybe the same is true about victory. The more we can rejoice about what is going well for us the more we will find.

It is a choice to be grateful. It is a choice to have a positive perspective. It is a choice to see the beauty in our pain, victory in our loss. And it is a choice to find a reason to celebrate.


We don’t have to accomplish huge feats and daring tasks to have reason to celebrate. Five minutes of quiet time is a victory. When life is challenging, getting through the day with a smile on our face is cause for celebration.

So let’s have a celebration right now. Let us sit victoriously!

Finding a comfortable position. Let’s close our eyes and I invite you to visualize someone putting a gold medal around your neck. Put a large smile on your face! I invite you to pretend like you’re holding a trophy in your hands and raising it above your head! You won! Then open up those hands and fingers nice and wide, let them expand open as you lift your chin to the sky and open your chest. Bask in this moment of joy! Take it all in! Take a deep breath here and a sigh of satisfaction.


Slowly lower your arms acknowledging your accomplishments of sitting here in presence. Let your hands come all the way down and rest lightly in your lap. You are victorious! This breath is cause for celebration. Noticing the smile on your face and the expansion of your chest. Notice the feeling of warmth that comes across your entire body as you realize you’ve already won just by being alive. Connecting to the inhale of your breath and the gentle release of your exhale.

Accept this moment of wonderment.


How does it feel to celebrate yourself? How does it feel to celebrate being alive?
Let us continue to breathe and smile, celebrating this moment in time.

Observing your breath. Noticing how it feels in your body to feel like a champion. Feel into the sensation of excitement, gratitude, and joyous jubilation.

When we take time to pause and rest, we celebrate the moment. This IS an accomplishment. Whether we rest for a few breaths, a couple of minutes, or an hour, this is a victory.

The more we look for reasons to celebrate the more plentiful they will come. And as we acknowledge them, the more we will find.


Continue feeling into your body and notice the connection to your breath. See if you can keep that celebration in your heart. Invite yourself to smile on this next inhale. And playfully raise your arms again in victory again. And on the next exhale, give a shout of “woo hoo!”. Why not be ecstatic?!

And maybe throughout your day you play with this idea of celebration.
I tied my shoes! Victory is mine!
I got out of bed!! This is cause for celebration!
I just finished lunch! I am victorious!
I just fed my cats! Let me dance in celebration!

Notice the feeling in your body when you feel alive and excited. How does it feel to be in celebration of life and all its mini miracles?

Inhale through your whole body and exhale with a sigh.


Life can be so serious and we can make it more arduous than it needs to be. Let us find time to play and let loose! Let us find reasons to be silly and have fun! Let us celebrate life and all that it offers us!

With one more breath of celebration, take a deep inhale lifting your chin and smiling!! Exhale in satisfaction and contentment!
You did it! Let’s celebrate our mini wins all day and every day.
May you go out into your day in victory and celebration!
Sending you love and high vibrations from my victorious heart to yours!


Also, I'd like to take a moment to acknowledge that it is our one year anniversary for Mindful Moments! Can you believe it? What a year it's been!

Meditation and mindfulness is an important part of my life and has proven to be an integral part of who I am, how I see the world, and how I've been able to move through life.

I remember when I started taking it “seriously”. I downloaded the Insight timer app literally for the timer function and started sitting. Who knew that a few years later I would be one of their approved teachers! (You can join and follow me here on Insight Timer!)

Mindful Moment Monday was birthed as both a process that I was going through personally and something I thought could benefit my community. Sharing this part of my life with you all has been such a blessing. Little did I know that a year later we would still be continuing! Every week I look forward to writing and sharing a few thoughts and stillness with you all.


In honor of our one year celebration I am offering 25% off The Mindful Poler using code: 92020UWR69. This program was my inspiration to bridge two topics I am passionate about, mindfulness and pole. And to put those skills into practice, I created Zen & The Art of Pole. You can try a class or get a bundle of classes for 25% off! using code: MindfulMoment from now until March 31st, 2021.


I’ve also included a donation block at the bottom of this post, if you feel called to make a contribution in support of the production of our Mindful Moments. While your financial contributions are never excepted, they are always greatly appreciate.

Donate Now

Thank you to everyone who has taken a few moments during the week to slow down, pause and be still!