Affirming Our Natural Birthright - Mindful Moment

Welcome to now, you are right on time. In these next moments together we will affirm the goodness we are and have in our lives.

Let’s begin by connecting to our breath. Relax the shoulders, relax the tongue, take a deep breath in. Feel your body settling and become more centered.
Inhaling with grace and ease. Exhaling with calm, grounded energy. Place a slight half smile on your lips and begin breathing through your heart.


As you inhale, feel as if you breathing into heart space. Your heart becomes an extra lung, taking in precious love and expanding. As you exhale, let that love and good feeling be shared with the world around you. Breathing into your heart, accepting Universal Love. Exhale, spreading and extending that Love.

I invite you to repeat these affirmations with your heart, internal voice or out loud. Speak the words but also add feeling and emotion to help integrate the affirmations.


I am alive and thriving.

I accept love in my life with grace and ease.

I am a precious being.

I am worthy.

I am loved.

Continue to breath into and through your heart. Connect to your body and breath as you soak in truth.


I am alive and thriving.

I accept love in my life with grace and ease.

I am a precious being.

I am worthy.

I am loved.


Repeat as often as you desire and may you remember your truth….

You are loved.


Vibrating love from my heart to yours!