Becoming More Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

Let’s be real. Growth can be uncomfortable. Think of when you were a child and experienced growing pains. The ache deep within your bones of a body expanding. Or waking the day after a strenuous workout, and feeling the deep soreness in your muscles. Moving becomes uncomfortable, difficult, even strenuous, a sign of internal tearing and repairing as we become stronger. Growth and building strength, whether internal or external, isn’t always easy or comfortable. If it were easy, every one would be doing it...

‘It’s OK to feel uncomfortable’. This too is part of our journey. 

I was recently talking with a client and they realized they were hesitant to be uncomfortable. 

Aren’t we all to some degree? When we step outside our comfort zone, we are going to brush against our edges. And that, my friends, causes discomfort. 


As we transform, there are times when we go through phases of being awkward, uncertain, and almost feeling like we don’t know who we are, how to act or behave.
We might even be filled with feelings of anxiety or discomfort. “Who is this? This isn’t me. Why do I feel so…. Not myself, frustrated, weird…”? We could insert a lengthy list of feelings here. 

In these times, it may be necessary to retract, pause and process on an internal level. But….

There comes a time when we need to push against those edges and expand them. Step into our vulnerability and allow ourselves to be in unfamiliar territory. It’s OK to be in this place. It’s ok to take awkward, shaky steps forward and fumble. This is a part of growth.


As lifelong learners, it is a CHOICE to evolve and continue to transform. No one is forcing us, even if you feel pressured. We take responsibility for our growth and that takes action. And remember, going through these transitional phases in life is a part of the process. 

We cannot escape stepping into, trudging through and being in the thick of discomfort. Welcome to being human. 

Great! (Heavy Sarcasm)That sounds like an awesome time! (Insert exaggerated eye roll) And now what? 

How do we move forward when we are in the midst of this?

Without awareness we cannot make change, so first, we pause.
Second, we breathe. And then again.


Awareness and Breath are our first line of defense. This is the beginning of creating a small buffer between you and the gnarly discomfort or anxiety you may be experiencing. From here, with a bit of curiosity, we can invite an internal investigation. 

One idea to play with is saying to yourself, “I am noticing I’m feeling…..”. Note that we are not directly saying, “I AM so uncomfortable.” We use the phrase, “I am noticing…” this continues to create more space between us and the story in our heads and the powerful emotion that is overtaking us. 


The more space we can create, the more room we have to see the truth of the matter. Yes, this being uncomfortable thing kinda sucks. But it's also temporary, and a sign that we are on the path to something greater. The resistance, just like in weight training, is providing us something to push against. This is where we begin to train and build our internal muscles. Without practice and effort muscles don’t grow! And so, it is our job to exercise them! 

Now that we’ve created just enough space, by pausing, to see that we’re in the midst of it all, we breathe, and then we can bring in an affirmation. We can use the power of our words to begin to shift our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Here are a few examples to get you going:

“It’s ok to feel uncomfortable. I am learning new things. I am in a transition and this feeling is temporary. I know I am growing and this is a part of my journey.”

Heidi Coker How to become more comfortable with being uncomfortable 4.jpg

We can give ourselves permission to be awkward. We can be gentle in reminding ourselves that this is just a phase and a necessary part of life. Patience, Dear One, you are evolving and so worthy. It’s ok to be awkward and uncertain, it’s a sign you’re onto something. You’re elevating yourself. Congratulations and please remember….

We are both the artist of our life, as well as the masterpiece.

We are the creator, and we also get to experience our creation.

We are the angel in the marble waiting to be fully expressed and seen.

It’s OK to be uncomfortable… you are rising into the next version of you.

Lean into your edges. Push gently if need be. Or break through in a deep breath and step of faith. Just keep showing up. You are capable and worthy of so much. Discomfort is necessary and temporary.

I love you. I believe in you. Remember who you are.


Because I believe so much in the power of mindfulness, breath and affirmations, my website has become a place of tools for your journey. Here you can find pre recorded audio and visual affirmations to help guide your practice. There are meditations specific for frustration and self compassion when we’ve had challenging days. My YouTube channel is full of guided Mindful Moments and meditations for free and you can follow me on Insight Timer

I also have coaching sessions available if you need a little guidance along your journey. Additional journey support can be found also on Patreon where I have not only free content on finding your zen, affirmations, and food, but also monthly sessions to help further your Life and Pole journey. You don’t have to do this alone. We are meant to be in community, even though of us who are introverts (Raises hand and smiles, that’s me).


In honor and encouragement of your edge pushing and path finding, I am offering 50% off all Affirmations and Frustration meditations for the next 2 weeks by using code: AFFIRM. They already cost less than a cup of fancy coffee so why are you waiting?! Get your support on! You can do this! I have total faith in you and your awesomeness. 

I never doubted you….