How Familiar Are You With Uncertainty? - Mindful Moment

Hello friends,

Welcome to another Mindful Moment.

Let's find a comfortable position to begin our practice.

There seems to be a couple reoccurring themes in life;
“Nothing is for certain’ and ‘The only constant is change’.

Depending how “secure” you feel, can determine how you manage these themes. When we are in the upswing, uncertainty and change can feel exciting despite the natural propensity towards nervousness or mild apprehension. We are able to manage our low level of anxiety with enough confidence that our feathers aren’t too ruffled.

However, there are moments when we tip the scales and find ourselves sliding into a greater depth, unable to shake the daunting fear that arises.

This is where our mindfulness tool box can be our first aid kit for our activated nervous system.

Where you are right now, take a slightly deeper inhale and exhale through your mouth.

Once more, a deeper breath in and an extended exhale through your lips like you’re blowing air through a straw. Take your time.

If you feel comfortable, close our eyes or soften and lower your gaze and repeat the breath again.

Long inhale through the nose, and slowly blowing the air through your pursed lips like you are holding a straw.

This time, let’s inhale for four counts and blow through our straw for 8.

Inhale, 2,3,4….
Exhale, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8….

Let’s stay here together for a few more breaths. In for 4, out for 8.

Notice on your inhale the belly or chest expanding…
And on the exhale, connect with the slow release of air passing through your lips.

Staying with this feeling in your body, feeling your breath, inviting your senses to relax and soften.

One last breath inhale for 4…
And an extended 8 count on the exhale.

Keeping your eyes closed or gaze soft, allow your breath to flow into an easy, natural pace.

Let’s allow our shoulders relaxing and allow our hands to be soft.
Now gently place a hand over your heart and feel your connection to your breath and your body. Ever so lightly, press your hand into your chest and notice the warmth of your own hand on your heart space.

Softly whisper to yourself, ‘We can do this’.

Breathing in, ‘We can do this’.

You and me.
Breath and heart.
Ease and grace.
Gentleness and love.

In this moment we can be certain of our heart beat.
In this moment we can experience the consistent flow of breath.

Breath and heart.

Let’s bring our second hand up to our heart and feel the warmth and softness of hand over hand, and hand over heart.

We can do this.

Breath and heart.

Let’s tap into what we know for sure right now, connection to our breath and heart.

Let’s be reassured by our inhale and certain of our exhale.

Let’s feel what's true in this moment. Our connection to our hands over our heart center.

Connection to THIS moment, this we know for sure. This we can rely on. Right NOW.

Whatever possible future awaits, it will be what it will be. We can rely on here and now.

We can rest assured knowing our breath is always with us. Our breath is always sure.

We can be secure and safe that our heart is known. Our heart is sure.

This we can trust. This we can know.

We can do this.

Gently open your eyes keeping your breath steady and slowly lower your hands.

Staying with the breath, let’s adjust our senses and awareness back to integrate with our surroundings yet maintaining our internal connection.

Remember, we can do this.

Take your next steps with certainty and trust. Every so bravely we move forward with confidence in our heart, one breath at a time.

With love and peace, from my heart to yours.


P.S. I've been working on some rather big changes which include our Mindful Moments. I'm so excited to share them with you and believe you will be excitedly pleased! Stay tuned for more ⭐! From my 💖 to yours.


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