Experiencing the Seasons of the Pole Dancer

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The very essence of nature is cyclical. She follows her own rhythm, and finds her own pace. Flowers bloom, and share their fragrance because that’s what they’re meant to do, and not for any other reason. There is no competition, judgment, or criticism. In some seasons, there is great abundance and others more slim. Trees shed their leaves because it’s time to rest. And after deep sleep, there is rejuvenation. Such is the way of life, nature and the Pole dancer.

Fall, here in the southeast, is beginning to do her glorious thing…. Cooler temperatures, longer nights, leaves changing to golden hues and red tints. The beginning stages of a time to slow down, enjoy the harvest and look forward to a new pace. It’s my favorite time of year and never fails to bring deep inner reflection. 

Nature shows us that cycles are not only normal, but a necessary part of life. We all must rest, shed the old, blossom and care for tender new growth. Each season is beautiful in its own way, and has its benefits and challenges. So why is it so hard for us to apply this in our pole practice? Why do we hold ourselves to unrealistic expectations, judgments and harsh criticism when things are meant to ebb and flow? We are meant to have times of abundance in learning, excitement, growth, joy and inspiration. And we will also have slowness, drought, frustration, boredom, and less creativity. This IS the way! We ARE nature!

After 14 years in the pole industry, I certainly can attest to seasons of change. I have experienced great inspiration and creation, flooding my senses like a flourishing spring after a hefty shower. And equal parts desert like drought, where it was all I could do, to show up and attempt to move my body. Shedding tears at what felt like an eternal dormancy. Pole moves dropped like autumn leaves, and so did my confidence. But when we are in the practice of mastery, we understand that the pathway to longevity is not linear and we embrace these times. We know, even though we may not <like> it, that this is an important phase of our journey.  Seasons and cycles. 

The greatest lesson I’ve learned, well… one of the greatest lessons; is that regardless of what season we’re in, or what weather we face on the outside, we can be guided by our internal climate. When there are storms and turbulence in whatever season we’re in, how we navigate our internal world is the key. Breathing, being gentle, reflecting on our choices and listening to our bodies, and heart, can help us to weather any season. 

One of the tools that helps me navigate the seasons of life is meditation and mindfulness. I spend time daily sitting in quiet reflection and presence. Some days it's a short 5 minutes to find my center,  and when I can I'll sit for 90. There are many styles and opinions on what "formal" meditation looks like. Who

If you try one style and it doesn't work for you, try another! Just like pole moves, not every move is for everyone! And it's ok to change up your practice! Here is an incense meditation if you'd like to explore a new way to be mindful! I've also included my favorite incense and meditation pillows! Happy sitting! 

Nag Champa Incense

Meditation Cushion

Palo Santo Incense

Meditation Cushion

Being curious as to what gifts, challenges and unexpected lessons will grace us in the season, is our saving grace. There is something beautifully magical in each season. A wondrous pearl of knowledge will come from your experience if you trust and believe in the process. 

May you enjoy this season of your pole practice, and find the joy of autumn and its cornucopia of offerings the next time you practice!

From my heart to yours,

Heidi Coker